Meghalaya Traditional
Knowledge Portal





Symptoms: Swelling Around the Tooth and Inside the Mouth, Swelling of Jaw and Face, Dull or Throbbing Pain on Chewing, Bleeding from the Tooth or Gums, Sensitivity to Hot, Cold or Sweet Food, Headache and/or Fever.

Medicines: Scientific Name: Mimosa pudica, Citrus Medica, Citrus Indica, Local Name: Sammikchip, Kakji, Samtampret, Me.mang narang, Kimkatek/Small Bitter Egg plant, Wajong sam, Ing maw saw, Sohmarit khlaw, Jaiur


Toothache is caused by inflammation of the central portion of the tooth called pulp or dental pulp. The pulp contains nerve ending that are very sensitive to pain. Inflammation of the pulp, or pulpitis, may be caused by dental carries, trauma, and infection. It is the most common human infective disease worldwide, affecting 60-70% of school children worldwide. Other names of toothache are Odontalgia, dentalgia, odontodynia. 

Theme: Traditional Treatment- Conditions

Sub Theme: Toothache

Source Years: 2023