Meghalaya Traditional
Knowledge Portal


The MTKP is being developed to capture both oral and documented knowledge related to traditional knowledge practiced particularly in Meghalaya and North East Region in general. The portal is a repository of evidence based efficacy of the traditional healing system practiced in Meghalaya along with other indigenous knowledge expressions. It aims to provide customized information on traditional healers, patient testimony that validates treatment efficacy and prognosis. The portal facilitates robust search interface for systematic retrieval and dissemination.
Stakeholders comprise of traditional healers, artisans, craftsman, civil society organizations, academia, government ministries, institutions, research community, industries and corporate sector.
Directory of traditional healers based in Meghalaya, compilation of patients’ testimony, treatment process and inventory of traditional medicine. Compilation of books, reports, case studies, policies, research articles, audios, videos on traditional knowledge.
The information content is gathered through primary survey of four districts of Meghalaya. It also includes resources produced, owned or controlled by various research and academic institutions, government and non-governmental agencies, consultancies, bilateral and multilateral development agencies. In each case, the information material has been identified and referenced to the source.
The portal envisioned to serve as an information gateway of traditional knowledge in North East Region encompassing oral and documented knowledge resources. We strongly encourage all stakeholders to take this initiative by actively contributing and using the portal.
Yes, users need to register to access full-text content or content submission.
Go to `SUBMIT YOUR CONTENT' for submitting your document. After due verification, the website administrator will publish the content which will be accessible to all.
Searching of required information can be done primarily through full-text or keywords. Further, you can use advance searching by combination of filter option i.e. by theme/sub-theme, author, date, or resource type.
You can submit files in MS-Word and/or PDF. Single file size should not exceed 20 MB. In case of videos, please upload the video in YouTube and provide the link.
For any queries, suggestions or feedback, please get in touch with us at