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Cancer (Skin)



Cancer (Skin)

Symptoms: The lesion is often asymptomatic, Ulcer or reddish skin plague with hard, raised edges that is low growing, The tumor maybe in the form of a hard plaque or a papule, often with an opalescent quality, with tiny blood vessel. The tumor can lie below the level of the surrounding skin, and eventually ulcerated and invades the underlying tissue, it may present with an evidence of chronic skin photo damage, such as multiple actinic keratoses (solar keratoses).

Medicines: Scientific Name: Fagopyrum acutatum (Lehm.) Mansf. ex K.Hammer, Eriosema chinense Vogel., Plantago major L., Oxalis corniculata L., Begonia sp., Local Name: Phan Kynshiang, Dieng Kthang, Jasih, Jarain, Jalem, Jatraphang, Ier Toh Toh, Shangkaria, Jyrmi Pdung Dieng, Sohphen, Shkor blang, Soh khnai, Jajew Lawang, Jajew Skei.


Squamous – cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the major forms of skin cancer. It is a cancer of the squamous cells a kind of epithelial cells which forms the main part of the epidermis of the skin, the lining of the digestive tract, lings, and other areas of the body. SCC is still sometimes referred to as “epidermoid carcinoma” and “squamous cell epithelioma”, though the use of these terms has decreased.