Hedychum sp, Gouania Leptostachya DC.
Scientific Name: Hedychum sp, Gouania Leptostachya DC.
Local Name: Wal.kam (5 gram), Salni mama gitchak (5-7 leaves), Gokarek/ (10 gram), Do.chengkrip (10 gram), Do.kentri budu (10 gram), Gonga sogor (5 ml), Sui (5 ml), Chigambol (5 ml), Do.machok (5 ml), Do.grak (5 ml), Do.semra (5 ml), Klaram tengua/ (10 gram).
Used Parts:
Dosage administered: Child/Adult/Old- 2 Spoon Twice a Day
Preservative/ Methods of Preservation Used: Grind all the ingredients together into paste and dry it for 2-3 days.
Shelf life of the Formulation: 1 Year
Toxicity /Side Effects of the Formulation: No Side Effects
Diseases Treated: Gall Stones
Theme: Traditional Treatment- Conditions
Sub Theme: Gall stone