Wild for a cure: ground-truthing a standard for sustainable management of wild plants in the field
Author(s): Kathe W, Pätzold B, Leaman D, Timoshyna A, Newton D, Khou E, Kinhal G, Sapkota IB, Pasha MKS, Ndam N, Melisch R, Bundalo S, Honnef S, Osborn T, Buitrón X, Liu X
This report presents a description of the project “Saving Plants that Save Lives and Livelihoods”, implemented by TRAFFIC and its partners WWF, IUCN and others, which addresses a growing demand from industry, governments, certification bodies, resource managers and donor agencies for specific guidance on sustainable wild plant collection practices.
Community seed banks: concept and practice- facilitator handbook
Author(s): Vernooy R, Sthapit B, Bessette G
The content of this handbook, directly and indirectly, reflects our Bioversity International, community seed bank expertise resulting from over 25 years of work in the field collaborating with many researchers, practitioners, and farmers and in the office through literature reviews, critical reflections, and discussions about our work, as well as writing stories, papers, articles, and books.
This sourcebook is intended to assist technical and research institutions, schools and consultants by providing background information, interesting case studies and specific recommendations for action relating to agrobiodiversity.
This reports provides key findings of BioTrade study held in Nepal aiming to facilitate transition to a green economy, secure social equity and environmental conservation along with economic prosperity
The Convention on Biodiversity and the Nagoya Protocol: intellectual property implications
Author(s): United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
The handbook is intended to fill the gap in understanding where the treaty text has chosen to remain silent. The Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol: Intellectual Property Implications addresses how the global rules on ABS of genetic resources and associated TK should work in tandem with an area that is mentioned minimally in the 2010 Nagoya Protocol, i.e., IP.
The state of the world’s forest genetic resources
Author(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
This first volume of The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources constitutes a major step in building the information and knowledge base required for action towards better conservation and sustainable management of forest genetic resources at the national, regional and international levels.
Kew’s State of the World’s Plants and Fungi project provides assessments of our current knowledge of the diversity of plants and fungi on Earth, the global threats that they face, and the policies to safeguard them.
This is the first document to collate current knowledge on the state of the world’s plants. A large team of researchers has reviewed published literature, scrutinized global databases and synthesized new datasets.
National action plan on biodiversity persistence and climate change
Author(s): Government of Bhutan
The goal of this action plan is to enable persistence of biodiversity to adapt to climate change, reduce vulnerability from its impacts, and promote sustainable utilization of biodiversity to engender socio-economic development of the country.
Interdependence of biodiversity and development under global change
Author(s): Ibisch PL, Vega AE, Herrmann TM (eds.)
The report describes and evaluates the complicated relationships and dynamics between human and biological systems. Theoretical concepts, such as complex systems models, are proposed as realistic and workable models for future strategies in sustainable development.