Biodiversity and culture: exploring community protocols, rights and consent
Publication Year: 2012
Author(s): Swiderska K, Milligan A, Kohli K, Shrumm H, Jonas H, Hiemstra W, Oliva MJ
Many rural communities in the global South – including some 370 million indigenous peoples – are directly dependent on biodiversity and related traditional knowledge for their livelihoods, food security, healthcare and well-being. But with the loss of biodiversity, valuable resources such as climate-resilient crops, medicinal plants and wild foods are being lost. Cultural diversity is being eroded at an unprecedented rate and with it, ancestral knowledge of how to use and conserve biodiversity. This special issue of Participatory Learning and Action explores two important participatory tools that indigenous peoples and local communities can use to help defend their customary rights to biocultural heritage: Community protocols – or charters of rules and responsibilities – in which communities set out their customary rights to natural resources and land, as recognised in customary, national and international laws; and Free, prior informed consent (FPIC) processes, in which communities decide whether or not to allow projects affecting their land or resources to go ahead, and on what terms.
Publisher/Organisation: International Institute for Environment and Development
Rights: International Institute for Environment and Development
Theme: Traditional/ Indigenous Knowledge | Subtheme: Biodiversity Conservation