From Talk to Action: Developing a Model to Foster Effective Integration of Traditional Medicine into the Ghanaian Healthcare System
Publication Year: 2023
Author(s): Ampomah IG, Malau-Aduli AEO, Emeto TI
Elements of an integrative healthcare delivery model including philosophies/values, structure, process and outcome were used to conduct a quality assessment of the integrated health system in Ghana. Each element clearly showed that Ghana is currently not running a coordinated health practice model, thus making it a tolerant, rather than an inclusive, health system. Therefore, the primary purpose of this research is to discuss the development of a new and appropriately customised model that could enhance the practice of integrated healthcare in Ghana. The author presented a model that has flexibility and far-reaching applicability in other African countries because they share similar socio-cultural and economic characteristics. As such, governments and health practitioners could adapt this model to improve the practice of integrated healthcare in their specific settings. Hospital administrators and health system researchers could also adapt the model to investigate or to monitor the progress and efficacy of integrated healthcare practices within their settings. This might help to understand the relationships between the integration of traditional medicine and health outcomes for a given population.
Source of Publication: Journal of Integrative Medicine
Vol/Issue: Available online 22 June 2023
DOI No.:
Country: Ghana
Publisher/Organisation: Journal of Integrative Medicine
Theme: Traditional/ Indigenous Knowledge | Subtheme: Traditional Healing System