Use of Traditional Knowledge to Dye Grey-sedge (Lepironia Rich.) in Southern Thailand
Publication Year: 2014
Author(s): Kaewpradit K, Keeratiburan Y , Jantapo A
Grey-sedge is used to produce local handicrafts in Southern Thailand. This qualitative research examines the practices of handicraft production in ten local artisan groups. Data is collected from document study and field research using basic survey, observation and interviews with ninety five respondents. The particular focus of the investigation is on the traditional knowledge used during the dyeing stage of handicraft production. The research results show that each group employs slightly different dyeing techniques based on the local knowledge of their community. From combination of the practices used, the research team determined that the most efficient dyeing technique for sedge strands is boiling in a mix of water, dye, salt and vinegar in stainless steel containers. The strands should then be cleaned and hung to dry before being incorporated into the product transformation process. The optimum dyeing time is 3-4 minutes.
Source of Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Vol/Issue: 13 (2),299-304pp.
Country: Thailand
Publisher/Organisation: NISCAIR-CSIR
Theme: Traditional Handicraft | Subtheme: Art of decorative coating