Meghalaya Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan (MBSAP): 2017-2030
Publication Year: 2019
The MBSAP attempts to involve multiple stakeholder, experts, organizations, entities and agencies. It suggests opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of state controlled and community owned areas of Meghalaya. The MBSAP includes government declared protected areas, conservation reserves, community conserved areas and sacred groves. The MBSAP has been prepared in consultation with all the state government departments concerned with biodiversity, agriculture, animal husbandry and environment. It also involves District Councils, Non-Governmental organizations, educational institutions and public sector organizations working in the field of biological sciences concerned with ecology, biodiversity and environment in the state. The MBSAP caters to the need of all the stakeholders of the state including village communities adjoining forests and CCAs. It would include institutions involved with local people, a number of local NGOs and stakeholders from across the state.
Country: India
Publisher/Organisation: Meghalaya Biodiversity Board, Wildlife Institute of India
Rights: Meghalaya Biodiversity Board
Theme: Traditional/ Indigenous Knowledge | Subtheme: Protection/ Regulations
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