UNIPP Success Stories: Cooperating to Promote & Protect Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
Publication Year: 2014
Author(s): United Nations-Indigenous Peoples’ Partnership (UNIPP) Technical Secretariat
UNIPP has already stimulated and strengthened over 100 initiatives that will have a real impact on indigenous peoples’ lives and status. Initiatives that will strengthen their legal footing; broaden their access to basic services such as health care and education; and increase their confidence and opportunities to make their voices heard in political and other decision-making fora. With its global network, legal credibility and high-level backing, UNIPP has unprecedented capacity to mobilize long-term funding commitments and powerful partnerships to lasting effect. Many of the projects that pre-date UNIPP would simply have ceased activity without its support, owing to inadequate resources. In developing its joint programmes, UNIPP seeks to use its assets to build on existing mechanisms and activities, drawing on local knowledge and previous experience and lessons learned on the ground.
Publisher/Organisation: United Nations-Indigenous Peoples’ Partnership (UNIPP) Technical Secretariat
Theme: Traditional/ Indigenous Knowledge | Subtheme: Indigenous Communities