Ethnozoological Knowledge of Indian Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste and Rural Communities
Publication Year: 2014
Author(s): Pushpangadan P, George V, Sreedevi P, Ljinu TP, Ninawe A
Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe comprises about 16.6 % and 8.6 %, respectively of India’s population according to the 2011 census. The constitution lists 1108 Scheduled castes across 25 states and about 744 tribes across 22 states in the country. The tribals live in an around forests and other difficult terrains. They acquired unique knowledge about the use of many wild flora and fauna. Most of these are either lesser known or hither to unknown to the outside world. The treasure of traditional knowledge (TK) if subjected to scientific scrutiny could benefit human kind in many ways. The inroads of modernization are presently posing a threat to this TK and these are in imminent danger of losing out, this age old wisdom and expertise can be lost for all times to come. The rich diversity of traditional communities and biological resources of the country are endowed with primary advantage of evolving innumerous ethnobiological knowledge.
Source of Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Vol/Issue: 13(4), 735-741pp.
Country: India
Publisher/Organisation: NISCAIR-CSIR
Theme: Traditional/ Indigenous Knowledge | Subtheme: Cultural Knowledge