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Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Resilience: What Have We Learned from a Decade of International Literature on “Integration”?

Publication Year: 2011

Author(s): Bohensky EL, Maru Y


Despite the increasing trend worldwide of integrating indigenous and scientific knowledge in natural resource management, there has been little stock-taking of literature on lessons learned from bringing indigenous knowledge and science together and the implications for maintaining and building social-ecological system resilience. This paper investigated related themes, questions, or problems encountered for integration of indigenous knowledge and science; the relationship between knowledge integration and social-ecological system resilience; and  critical features of knowledge integration practice needed to foster productive and mutually beneficial relationships between indigenous knowledge and science.

Source of Publication: Ecology and Society

Vol/Issue: 16(4)

DOI No.:

ISSN: 10.5751/ES-04342-160406

Publisher/Organisation: Resilience Alliance


Theme: | Subtheme: Knowledge Transmission