Smallholder farming systems in the Indian Himalayas: key trends and innovations for resilience
Publication Year: 2018
Author(s): Mukerjee P, Sogani R, Gurung N, Rastogi A, Swiderska K
This report provides the findings of the SIFOR baseline study in India, which also served as a key research component. The study explored key trends in livelihoods and migration, food security, crop diversity and seed systems, climate change, and social capital, which provide the context for innovation. It explored biocultural innovations developed in response to climatic and socioeconomic changes, and the people, institutions, networking and community-level factors supporting their development. It entailed a qualitative baseline study in 2012–2013 and a quantitative survey in 2013–2014, involving 165 households in total.
Publisher/Organisation: International Institute for Environment and Development
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