Knowledge Hub
Prioritization of Traditional Tribal Field Crops Based on RWUE in Koraput District of Odisha
Author(s): Adhikary PP, Madhu M, Dash CJ, Sahoo DC, Jakhar P, Naik BS, Gowda HCH, Naik GB, Dash B
This study was undertaken in a tribal watershed of Koraput district to prioritize the commonly grown crops based on RWUE (Rain Water Use Efficiency) and their comparative performance during water stress condition. Results showed that vegetable crops have higher RWUE than cereals and pulses.
Traditional Occupations of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Labour Statistics
Author(s): International Labour Organization
This paper aims to facilitate reflection on possibilities for capturing the practice of the traditional occupations of indigenous and tribal peoples in labour statistics as a means to understand and monitor related trends and build evidence for public policymaking.
Protected planet report 2016: how protected areas contribute to achieving global targets for biodiversity
Author(s): Bhola N, Juffe-Bignoli D, Burgess N, Sandwith T, Kingston N
The Protected Planet Report 2016 assesses how protected areas contribute to achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and relevant targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, and highlights current research and case studies as examples of the role protected areas play in conserving biodiversity and cultural heritage.
Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity into Agricultural Production and Management in East Africa
Author(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
The study provides practical guidance to countries for building institutional capacity for synergistic implementation of MEAs, and identifying opportunities for managing biodiversity and ecosystem services to reduce the use of chemical inputs. It considers issues at the technical, institutional and policy levels. This publication is a result of technical papers prepared by experts on specific topics related to biodiversity and ecosystem services in agriculture but also on social and cross-cutting dimensions such as indigenous and traditional knowledge.
Framework for Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
Author(s): Yi S, Rawat GS, Wu N, Bubb P, Chettri N, Kotru R, Sharma E, Bhatta LD, Bisht N, Aryal K, Gurung J, Joshi S, Adhikari BS, Rawal RS, Ghate R, Gurung K, Goodrich C G, Chitale VS, Shakya B, Ismail M, Chaudhary RP, Yan Z, Wang J
The report provides basic background, principles and key terms for ecosystem management, major considerations in the context of the HKH and the process and practical steps required for the management of ecosystems.
Access and Benefit Sharing Policy of Bhutan 2015
Publisher/Organisation: Royal Government of Bhutan, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
This Access and Benefit Sharing Policy is developed to guide access to Bhutan’s genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge and ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their research and commercial utilization. It will also enable national capacity-building and contribute to the vision outlined in Bhutan 2020- A Vision for Peace, Prosperity and Happiness.
Promoting Neo-traditional Agriculture to Achieve Food and Livelihood Security, and Climate Change Adaptation
Author(s): Rudresh SK, Choudhury P, Hartl J
This policy brief highlights the traditional agricultural practices that have been followed in different parts of India, including states such as Haryana, Punjab, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand.
Women’s Wisdom: Documentation of Women’s Knowledge in Agriculture: Case Studies from Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan
Author(s): Lopez VM, Castro M, Krutmechai M, Kaewtankam V, Habib N
The three modules developed and presented were based on case studies conducted in three countries of Asia. It involved key areas of women’s involvement in agriculture, namely: crop production, livestock keeping and post-harvest processing and marketing.
Handbook on Intellectual Property Rights & Technology Transfer
Author(s): Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
This booklet gives a broad overview of all the important concepts of IPRs with essential information for a busy scientist as to how to file a patent. This document is based on relevant techno-legal information from various national and international sources.
National Intellectual Property Rights Policy 2016
Publisher/Organisation: Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
The IP Policy aims to integrate IP as a policy and strategic tool in national development plans. It foresees a coordinated and integrated development of IP system in India and the need for a holistic approach to be taken on IP legal, administrative, institutional and enforcement related matters. While DPIIT shall be the nodal point to coordinate, guide and oversee implementation and future development of IPRs in India, the responsibility for actual implementation of the plans of action will remain with the Ministries/ Departments concerned in their assigned sphere of work. Public and private sector institutions and other stakeholders, including State governments, will also be involved in the implementation process.