Meghalaya Traditional
Knowledge Portal

Research Papers/Articles


The objective of this study is to explore the existing practice of indigenous knowledge integration into adult education in North Wollo, from the perspectives of learning material development and utilization of the facilitation methodology.

Research Papers/Articles
e-Learning-Based Education Resilience in Indonesia


Author(s): Yusriadi Y, Kessi AMP, Awaluddin M, Sarabani L , Rezvani E

The study examined the divergent and contradictory perspectives of technology supporters and technology doubters on e-learning in Indonesian education; this gives a valid starting point for a critical and in-depth debate about e-learning; it is not simple to reconcile this dilemma.


Indigenous communities continue to face marginalization and exclusion from vital resources and opportunities, leading to alarming rates of poverty and malnutrition, particularly among women and young people.

Research Papers/Articles
Priorities for Food and Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa Region 2020-2030


Author(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

This paper aims to identify key strategic priorities for food and agriculture in the region for the next ten years, and how FAO can best support countries in addressing these priorities in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Research Papers/Articles
Agriculture Food Systems Transformation: From Strategy to Action


Author(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

This paper focuses on how FAO provides ways for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, using a systems-based approach to tackle the complex challenges, FAO is working to accelerate innovation, technology, data, governance, and institutions to transform today’s agri-food systems for tomorrow’s world.

Research Papers/Articles
Bridging The Time and Tide –Traditional Knowledge in The 21st Century


Author(s): Sreedharan SK

Traditional knowledge systems have by and large been relegated to the realm of myths and folklore. However, with the advancement of science and commercial successes chalked up by the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic behemoths, there has been a resurgence of scientific interest in the traditional knowledge systems.

Research Papers/Articles
Indigenous Peoples Central to Efforts to Combat Climate Change


Author(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Governments must do much more to provide the enabling conditions required for indigenous peoples, local communities, smallholders and their organizations to restore degraded landscapes and achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation in practice, according to FAO.

Research Papers/Articles
Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs in Papua GET Ahead


Author(s): International Labour Organization

Like many other women who live in a patriarchal society, the indigenous women of Papua do not have many opportunities to take part in the development process. Their traditionally low status in the tribal hierarchy and poor education make them second-class members of society who have to occupy themselves with food and children, and serve their husbands.

Research Papers/Articles
Traditional Knowledge in Policy and Practice: Approaches to Development and Human Well-being


Author(s): Subramanian SM , Pisupati B

The contribution of indigenous and local communities to sustainable development is not limited to their role as natural resource managers. Local knowledge is increasingly being used to produce marketable commodities and as the basis for eco and cultural tourism. These communities have realized that their unique biological and cultural diversity is a marketable product in the modern world, and a sound basis for community entrepreneurialism.


The present study concentrates on the traditional healers and medicines in Shillong, Meghalaya and its continuity in contemporary Meghalaya. Traditional and tribal medicines still constitute the most important source of healing for much of the world's population, especially for those living in areas away from the urban centre .It is still practiced in all kinds of societies and embodies the use of native plants, and medicinal oils as well as using the principle of indigenous knowledge, philosophy, and spirituality